creative technology serious/superpower game(s)


CTSG main focus is to investigate playful applications of technology to emulate or support players' superpowers and social dynamics.


mission statement(s)

Started by eliens Feb 3, 2011.

Technology choice? I present: google appengine! 1 Reply

Started by Jan Kolkmeier. Last reply by eliens Mar 7, 2010.

imperative(s) -- let's make some noise!

Started by eliens Apr 29, 2010.

Latest Activity

Ernst Kleinhuis is now a member of CTSG
Jun 6, 2011
eliens posted a blog post

serious games -- does it matter?

I think it does! To announce a newly to be developed course, I wrote: ... serious games are more and more considered to be an effective means to bring about awareness, acquire skills, change behavior, and influence social patterns.With elementary game development technology, we will…See More
May 12, 2011
Jan Kolkmeier posted a blog post

Putting it into practice

In continuation on the efforts to pursue the field of serious gaming, two New Media Track students, Siewart and me, have started working together with T-XChange, as suggested before, to fill in our course Game Development.We were proposed to work on a project that connects to our…See More
May 6, 2011
eliens posted a blog post

serious game(s) -- issues

In the most recent of STT Expert Meetings the audience, all experts, presumably, was given the opportunity to ask questions, to be answered by the (expert) speakers. The theme of the meeting was play or be played, which has a similar ring as the, for creative technology students now familiar, phrase:…See More
Apr 25, 2011
eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"it is indeed a bs filter, but next blog of yours will be approved with full permission for all your future contributions"
Mar 18, 2011
Siewart commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"Could you disable the approve before publish setting? Or is this a mechanism you use to get a notification of a new blog post? (Or as the intended bullshit filter)"
Mar 18, 2011
Siewart posted a blog post

Real-life Achievements

In the past four years a new way of making people addicted to their video-game has been growing. These, usually referred to as achievements, are mechanism that introduce additional tasks in a game that challenges the player to do more difficult tasks. These tasks are recorded on a community page for that game so others can see it. This will create a competition between players to show off what you have achieved in the game. So the best way to describe an achievement is probably a decoration or…See More
Mar 18, 2011
eliens liked Jan Kolkmeier's blog post Reward Structures, a self experiment?
Mar 15, 2011
eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"nice contribution, the actual challenge though, as I see it, is to arrive at a calculus of hedons, dolors and collectons, which then may result in appropriate (context-dependent) achievemenents, suitably visualized."
Mar 15, 2011
Siewart posted a blog post

Real-life Achievements

In the past four years a new way of making people addicted to their video-game has been growing. These, usually referred to as achievements, are mechanism that introduce additional tasks in a game that challenges the player to do more difficult tasks. These tasks are recorded on a community page for that game so others can see it. This will create a competition between players to show off what you have achieved in the game. So the best way to describe an achievement is probably a decoration or…See More
Mar 15, 2011
eliens commented on Jan Kolkmeier's blog post Social Groups, Part 1: Modelling Properties
"group properties can very likely be modeled using standard notions from graph theory, such as cliques, paths, connectedness, possibly with weights, to obtain measures of information exchange and the like, see e.g. wikipedia. Incidentally, looking…"
Mar 14, 2011
Jan Kolkmeier posted a blog post

Reward Structures, a self experiment?

In course of our Qarma project we explore how we can motivate people using game mechanics. One mechanic with great potential are rewards. Rewards in games are a complex topic, but the general idea is that the player gets frequent and direct feedback to his action, giving a satisfying feeling.This kind of feedback is lacking dramatically in real life. Often the work people do is rewarded only…See More
Mar 14, 2011
Jan Kolkmeier updated their profile photo
Mar 12, 2011
Jan Kolkmeier updated their profile
Mar 12, 2011
Jan Kolkmeier posted blog posts
Mar 10, 2011
eliens liked eliens's blog post serious games as social technology
Mar 9, 2011

CTSG @ site(s)

This site is meant to discuss general and conceptual issues concerning the development of serious games. See CTSG @ google site(s) for organizational and technical issues, and follow the tweet(s).

Blog Posts

creative ethic(s)

Posted by eliens on January 25, 2013 at 9:36am 0 Comments

although the course will very likely not result in (serious) games, it is nevertheless interesting to relate the theme(s) of Creative Technology Superpower(s) (Games) to creative ethics, or (as it is officially called) ethics for creative technologydeal(s) with issues related to the (future) professional ethics of creative technology graduates, new and emergent technology to improve the quality of life, psychological…


CreaTe Game Studios

Posted by eliens on June 7, 2011 at 9:00pm 0 Comments

welcome to the new members: Ernst, Fabienne, Vesso, Thijs, Inéz, Michel, Christopher B., Patrick and jelle G. With (serious) game development as a central element in the new media track, Sven''s initiative to start the CreaTe Game Studios is very timely and appropriate. And, of course, your… Continue

T-Xchange update -- First Proposal

Posted by Jan Kolkmeier on May 20, 2011 at 1:40pm 0 Comments

Here an update about the work Siewart and I are doing at T-Xchange. The project is to design and build an application that helps employers' motivation to do their chores. Tuesday we presented our plans for to our clients. Here a quick summary of these plans and the feedback we got so far:

Augmented Office

The chosen…




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