creative technology serious/superpower game(s)

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eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"it is indeed a bs filter, but next blog of yours will be approved with full permission for all your future contributions"
Mar 18, 2011
Siewart commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"Could you disable the approve before publish setting? Or is this a mechanism you use to get a notification of a new blog post? (Or as the intended bullshit filter)"
Mar 18, 2011
Siewart posted a blog post

Real-life Achievements

In the past four years a new way of making people addicted to their video-game has been growing. These, usually referred to as achievements, are mechanism that introduce additional tasks in a game that challenges the player to do more difficult tasks. These tasks are recorded on a community page for that game so others can see it. This will create a competition between players to show off what you have achieved in the game. So the best way to describe an achievement is probably a decoration or…See More
Mar 18, 2011
eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Real-life Achievements
"nice contribution, the actual challenge though, as I see it, is to arrive at a calculus of hedons, dolors and collectons, which then may result in appropriate (context-dependent) achievemenents, suitably visualized."
Mar 15, 2011
Siewart posted a blog post

Real-life Achievements

In the past four years a new way of making people addicted to their video-game has been growing. These, usually referred to as achievements, are mechanism that introduce additional tasks in a game that challenges the player to do more difficult tasks. These tasks are recorded on a community page for that game so others can see it. This will create a competition between players to show off what you have achieved in the game. So the best way to describe an achievement is probably a decoration or…See More
Mar 15, 2011
eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Unreal Development Kit is now free!
"A suitable alternative might be unity3D, look at http://ria.creuna.com/2009/11/unrealengine3-and-unity3d-now-free for a comparison. Even for NM2 these might be suitable technologies, as an alternative, or next to, flex and/or processing."
Nov 18, 2009
Siewart commented on eliens's video

Dragon Age: Origins Toolset Trailer [HD]

"Voorzover ik het spel zelf gespeelt het bind ik her erg buggy, ik denk wel dat het misschien na een paar updates een stuk beter draait. Ik wist nog niet dat er een tool set was eigenlijk, maar ik zal eens kijken."
Nov 10, 2009
Siewart posted a video

Unreal Development Kit

Video about the new UDK.
Nov 9, 2009
eliens commented on Siewart's blog post Unreal Development Kit is now free!
"indeed, this should be one line of the work, Unreal CTSG"
Nov 9, 2009

Siewart's Blog

Real-life Achievements

Posted on March 15, 2011 at 8:30pm 3 Comments

In the past four years a new way of making people addicted to their video-game has been growing. These, usually referred to as achievements, are mechanism that introduce additional tasks in a game that challenges the player to do more difficult tasks. These tasks are recorded on a community page for that game so others can see it. This will create a competition between players to show off what you have achieved in the game. So the best way to describe an achievement is probably a decoration…


Unreal Development Kit is now free!

Posted on November 9, 2009 at 12:00pm 2 Comments

Epic Games offers the huge UDK for the Unreal Engine 3 for download. Thus the Unreal Engine is now free to use for non-commercial projects.

Developer Epic Games decided to release the Unreal Development Kit. The toolset, which is based on the Unreal Engine 3, is intended for non-commercial use and for academic environments. For a commercial use of the UDK one still has to acquire a license.

The following tools are included:

• The Unreal Editor toolset, complete with… Continue

Comment Wall (1 comment)

At 1:25pm on November 8, 2009, eliens said…
that promises great models!

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