creative technology serious/superpower game(s)

In the STT Expert Meetings on The Future of Serious Gaming, the topic of (11 February 2011) was (Serious) Gaming in a Networked Society, held at the hyves building at the Frederiksplein, Amsterdam. Although presenting an interesting variety of speakers, I felt that the central topic of serious gaming was not sufficiently articulated, and paying close attention to the presentations, I observed that one key phrase was missing, namely persuasion. Why would that be important, you may think. Well, to put it simply, because serious games are about changing behaviors. In other words, we must regard serious games a social technology, and more specifically ask the question(s):

  • target(s) -- which (group of) people?
  • sponsor(s) -- who initiates/pays?
  • goal(s) -- what behavior(s)/pattern(s)?
  • instrument(s) -- by what means/technology?
It is of vital importance to get clarity on these issues, in order to design and develop effective
games, or rather (persuasive) technology, that may actually change behavior. And let one thing be clear, both our individual as well as group behavior is in need of change, and not only in terms of awareness!

Of course, you may wonder whether (serious) games are an effective means to change behavior, individual or social?
Well, have a look at what we did for ambient screen(s), and, lets be serious, do some further reading(s) and consider (alternative) tribal vision(s)!

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